I’ve known Jesus for over 15 tears now, and grown a ton in my love for Him. However, the past 5 years have been hellish – crushing work stress that never ends, marital miseries, health problems, miscarriages, family deaths, etc etc. I have struggled with depression off an on for years, but now I have anxiety and trauma heaped on top. I’m assaulted at night by thoughts of death, hopelessness, suicide, or running away from it all.
On a whim, after it became legal in my state, I decided to try smoking weed because I had heard that it helps people with anxiety and trauma.
It really helped me too. I felt good, free, and like I could hope again. I felt Jesus so intimately like I haven’t in years. I felt like obstacles standing in the way of my joy, obedience, and love we’re crumbling. Weed has given me a hope that life is worth living since trying it several months ago.
Now I smoke about 1-2 times a week, usually half a small joint, and I’m so much more buoyant in my relationships, thought life, and I’ve begun to heal from bitterness and trauma.