I’m a devoted Christian in love with Jesus
Cannabis has Always been apart of my family’s lives since I can remember. I was only 14yrs old when I first started. And I have always said that marijuana runs in the DNA, even of my ancestors from All walks of life. It helps me to let loose. I pray better, I praise better, I write letters and poetry better. I teach better, and my dishes are more tastier ( cause of God’s skills, of course, plus a little extra of the Love ingredient from this momma gets thrown in) I sing better, and I love better. I have more fun and creative ideas for fun with my teen and family, And let me not fail to state that I also clean and reorganize my house better. ( I love a clean house and hate clutter, same goes for my little lady)
Oh! And people (especially strangers) tend to gravitate to me with their problems and ask me for my advice, with God and a little smoke, I give advice sometimes that I wish I would have taken notes for myself from. Haha.
I’m 39yrs old now, and weed is truly apart of my bloodline and so is God’s Blood. His blood flows through my veins. I am more then overjoyed and privileged to state that I am His and He is mine. He says in His Word to Go Out Into the World and Do All We Do In Love. I say, as of just now. Do everything you do in love, right after you burn one. It has a lot more beneficial value than anyone cares to know about. And the oil is perfect for many reasons, too. #LegalizeIt!
(And for those wondering, No, my Kid does not smoke!!! She is 15 yrs old and seriously devoted to God. Even has taken her Bible to school for the last three years and keeps up her grades. Our Preacher keeps the teens on their toes. They are busy at least 2-3 days out of the week. Always doing something with them to keep their heads strong in God. We’ve been attending there for 11yrs, me on and off for a 11yrs)
I love my God, (Jesus Christ) , I love my Family of light. I love my teen , we love our family and our church family, But since Way back when, I also love my Smoke. ????
Even still, Yashua Hamashiack , is my Everything and The Center and Priority of our Lives and our very existence. You got my vote!!!! ✔️ ????