At a very young age 10-14 was not the norm. I was a recipient of a pedophile priest. Had a identity crisis to early in life. Growing up in the 60’s was hard enough. Pot was the daily norm to get thru the day. Eventually my void was to big for just pot. Heroin was the drug of choice. After many years and sorrows I was blessed with a beautiful life. I met an angel from God at 15 yrs old. She was 14. My first experience with a girl. We dated thru High School and married while I was in military. Married 41 years to date, praise God. My first identity was established. But pot followed through out my life in stages. Was once a silly and joyful existence, but now it is more medicine than a buzz. I am 61 years young and still find pot far better then 15 years of a clouded life on opiates. After having heart attack on 03-29-13, passed away in cath lab, then was blessed to be going home except it wasn’t the right time. Awoke to a triple bypass. Never smoked cigs ever again and no more pain meds were the gift from God. Not to mention life with family and grandkids for another season. Pot remains as a result of habit as well as relief.
I’ve often wondered about the temple and my walk with JESUS. STUDIED the Word as a student thru LU, systematic theology, Old and New Testament, life of christ. Saved in 1988 after being sick for 3 years healed of leukemia by Jesus himself. I am a walking testimony from the author himself. God is my strength and joy.
Jesus loves me so…..God created Marijuana for the first man.