Hello all, I came across this page via foxnews and would like to chime in if you all don’t mind. I would like to comment about cannabis use in terms of health and Christianity. In terms of health, cannabis is not without its risk. The effects of cannabis can vary from person to person. It has a strong associate with schizophrenia, anxiety, and depression. It can cause memory problems, impairs judgement and will worsen heart related problems. Also smoking it increases the risk of lung cancer. The ChristianCannabis website posted here “https://christiancannabis.com/#postform” says this,
What if cannabis proved to enhance mental clarity, diminish anxiety, and lend itself toward physical healing and integrative wellness? What if cannabis proved to dissolve the self constantly getting in the way, enabling one to better prioritize others and the qualities and relationships that make for a full and vibrant life?
That has been, in part, my experience… all from a plant.”
But I would argue this logic to be wrong. Cannabis doesn’t increase mental clarity it decreases it. Cannabis only provides a temporary solution to anxiety and for some people it can worst anxiety. Cannabis doesn’t heal the body it increases the risk of health problems. Cannabis doesn’t dissolve the “self” only being born again and conforming to the likeness of Christ is the “self” remade into the likeness of Christ. A Christian draws his power from Christ not a plant. Christ said I am the vine and you are the branches, apart for me you can bare no fruit. Freedom in Christianity isn’t found in a plant its found in Christ. Furthermore, life is not found in a plant, Christ said the water he gives will become in us a spring of water welling up to eternal life. So in terms of health I advise against cannabis and in terms of Christianity I say whatever your problem is the solution is in Christ not a plant. As it says with God all things are possible. And “where is your faith?” Lastly, yes mental illness is very hard but the solution is found in Christ. The root of mental illness is found in emotional trauma, unhealthy perceptions of the world etc. But God promised us his Holy Spirit called the Counselor and the MIND of Christ. People who lay on the couch at the Counselors office receive real counseling therapy that is never undone because it is found on the truth. And the truth can never be removed because it is forever.