Karlita Gulledge
on 04.29.2020

Marijuana can be used for constructive as well as destructive purposes

In my case it has been beneficial since the very first day I experienced smoking, I say that to say that I've been a believer of Christ since I was 12, I shave always walked with Christ through sin and misunderstanding and all, I start smoking weed at 16, the idea I feel was received from the most high was a lemonade stand, it may sound crazy but I received this vision within minutes after smoking. I'll be 26 June 16, 2020 and I have been smoking cannabis on and off since 16, It's always been recreational use for me, and God has given me more business vintures and business proposals that I don't think I'd be ever to complete in a lifetime, but God also showed me a vision of giving some of my ideas away to others, some have the investment with no business idea. So either way I can share my visions for free or make a business out of sharing my business ideas with others who pursue starting business without any ideas. Just way to say don't be quick to judge substances that are legal in most states because it would not be legal if it was not beneficial. That doesn't even mean be addicted, know what you do and make the best of it, don't just sit back smoking and not accomplishing anything. Be blessed loves

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