on 06.07.2022

I was raised from birth as a Jehovah’s Witness. Im 61 years old and since I was an elder, I possessed the shepherd the flock of God book that directed elders to leave witnesses alone if it became known are using medical marijuana with a prescription.
The elders were only investigate if the user was openly promoting its use. This information sent me on a quest to find out why the JWs had changed their stance on using cannabis. I did lots of research and watched the documentary called The Sacred Plant”. It was clear to me the direction I would go.
I prayerfully concluded that I could treat my own health problems by micro-dosing indica RSO by orally ingesting it. So I got a prescription and went to a dispensary.
I’m happy to say that the prayer I uttered , begging for truth and enlightenment with an honest and open heart, and then eating my first microdose, before going to bed was THE BEST decision I have ever made in my spiritual life. My prayer was answered a few a hours later when I woke up from a dream and realised I was in a cult and immediately called out to God and Jesus in prayer thanking them! I was crying out so loud I woke my JW wife sleeping in the other room.
She left me a month later and the JWs now Shun me because of this but I don’t care, because
I have been saved by the grace of God and the shed blood of his dear Son. Thank you Jesus for snatching me out of the fire.
Gateway drug that leads to other drugs my foot!
For me it was a Gateway to finding Jesus, Because he is THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE AND NO ONE CAN GET TO THE ETERNAL FATHER EXCEPT THROUGH HIM. John 14:6
that all happened last November.
Since then I have stopped the RSO and have been ingesting by mouth the actual green bud of the plant intermittently a few times a month as I feel the need.
That was my experience and is my truth anyhow, your mileage may vary.
Do your own research and make an informed decision.
Genesis 1:29 makes total sense to me if the green herbs God made are used as food.

What Do You Think About Cannabis?