I am a socially conservative evangelical Christian who has taught Sunday school along with my wife at our church for many years, and I privately use this herb everyday with my wife’s (and God’s) total support. We are both licensed professionals with great jobs. My father and grandfather are both church deacons who are opposed to medical cannabis, but I finally took my doctors’ advice to get/use a state medical marijuana card after years of horrendous suffering on prescribed medications for PTSD, anxiety and depression. What a positive difference this herb has made! I use only a small (2-3 inhales) daily amount of a legally cultivated strain called “OG” or Ocean Grown (19% THC) I purchase from one of my state’s legal dispensaries. Since beginning it, I am no longer using my prescription medications nor drinking wine (which is approved by the church in modest quantities unlike their prohibition on medical cannabis). This all-natural, God-created herb has had amazing healing properties for me mentally, emotionally and physically. Whereas I was always controlling, irritable and reactive with our three teenagers, now I am extremely calm and patient with them offering empathy and grace like never before. For the first time in many worry-filled years, I enjoy life in a profoundly positive new way. Whereas prescriptions & wine caused some serious side effects for me (dependency, withdraw and impotency) medical marijuana has never caused me withdraws since it is non-addictive and non-toxic to the body, the temple of the Holy Spirit. I don’t understand why people use words like “stoned” or “high” to describe marijuana’s effects; maybe they’ve used larger quantities than I have. Within ten minutes, it simply elevates my mood for four hours without making me say/do things I wish I hadn’t (which alcohol did.) My legal cannabis does not at all make me “drunk” as religious leaders erroneously try to claim, but rather relaxed, focused, happy, thankful-mindedness for all God’s blessings, kind to others, and exponentially better in our marital bed much to my wife’s joy. It has made me truly unselfish at home; I now rush to affectionately greet my wife each day instead of avoiding her. I now care deeply about how I can merrily serve my family each day with a new love for cooking for them, giving back massages, true good-will and laughter. I had not laughed in years before marijuana, but now after happily cleaning the kitchen after dinner, I enjoy watching a clean comedy and actually laughing out loud with my family. I am so very thankful to my LORD for providing me with this powerful, ancient plant which provides me with an evening full of happy memories I always actually remember the next day unlike the memory loss my past substances would frequently cause. Should one drive after a dosage? I do not, but I couldn’t drive on Klonopin either. Could it be potentially harmful if overused? Yes, but so can ice cream.