I’ve been chastised within my own church for my legal use of medicinal marijuana. Stripped of volunteering opportunities, but they’re still asking if I tithe, or point out if I miss church. When I spoke publicly about using medical cannabis, I was told that I really needed to pray about it…. don’t you think I already did that?? I never started using cannabis until I was well into my mid 30s. I’m medically retired from the military, as well as being a medically retired peace officer; but I use cannabis to alleviate the pain from my injuries, to sleep, as well as to cope with PTSD. Well, I have prayed about it (and continue to do so), and rest easy knowing in my heart and my mind that God has given me this natural alternative to other pharmaceuticals.
I know that many are in my same shoes, and I hope that the church realizes that they are doing more harm than good, and pushing people further from the church by condemning them for using cannabis.