What if Christians were to begin understanding how something like cannabis could be used in beneficial ways to support their lives?
What if we were to entertain the idea that legality is not the equivalent of licentiousness, and neither must we demonize and condemn every single thing that we don’t quite understand?
What if – rather than trading our feelings for platitudes and “should-bes” – we were to begin to better understand them?
What if cannabis proved to enhance mental clarity, diminish anxiety, and lend itself toward physical healing and integrative wellness?
What if cannabis proved to dissolve the self constantly getting in the way, enabling one to better prioritize others and the qualities and relationships that make for a full and vibrant life?
That has been, in part, my experience… all from a plant.
Which brings us back to the present.
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I am now 53 and was put on antidepressants and other pharmaceutical drugs at just 18 and struggled for over 3 decades on these soul destroying drugs. These awful yet perfectly legal drugs have caused huge damage in my life…
Read More LIKE (20)Having been hippie stoners when we were young my husband and I quit all substances of the sort when we became new in Christ. Over the years life had a way of changing what we intended, especially in the area…
Read More LIKE (13)Genesis 1:12 & 29-31 God made us in His image with an endocannibinoid system that creates and processes cannibinoids. Everyone has an endocannibinoid system, everybody makes and processes cannibinoids all day long. God doesn’t make mistakes folks. I live in…
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