on 05.04.2019

I am a 44 year old husband with 2 children (11 and 9). My walk with Jesus is the most important thing in my life. I pray, read the Bible, and spread the gospel as much as I can. I strive to be the best Christian leader in my home, work, and community. I am also actively involved in my local church.

I’ve struggled with anxiety my entire life. It is something I inherited from my father and grandparents because I’ve witnessed them struggle with it too. Hypertension and early death runs in my family and I’ve come to the conclusion that anxiety is the main contributor to this. Anxiety has affected my marriage, my job, and my duties as a father in a negative way. I am also in a high stress profession.

I just can’t relax.

To make a long story short: I’ve tried it all. Medication (over the counter and prescribe), counseling ( Christian and secular), diet and exercise, and unfortunately alchohol. These methods worked for a short time, but eventually took a toll on my body and wallet.

In the Fall I tried cannabis. Started with a little at night after I put the kids to bed. It worked. One hit calmed me down and I went to sleep without a problem.

Unfortunately I started becoming too reliant on it and it started to become a problem. So I quit.

The point I’m trying to make is this: if you can control it and not let it take the place of God in your life, then it is the safest, most effective way to control anxiety.

This is my opinion of course.

What Do You Think About Cannabis?