Pot was never beneficial to me. I smoked for 30 years. It took me places nobody needs to go. Addiction. Harder drugs. Away from my family. And brought out a demonic personality from me. An unnatural rage-hangover that couldn’t even be quenched by more pot.
It wasn’t until a year into my walk with Christ, when I truly surrendered ALL to God, the He set me free from its demonic hold on me.
I have tried it a couple of times in the last 9 years and each time it was like that demon came back with 7 others and found my house swept clean and started moving in.
I have tried CBD oil. My wife uses that regularly for restless leg syndrome. And I have seen derivatives, oils and edibles have positive effects on people dealing with different maladies.
I don’t see any reason for anyone to smoke anything. At all. Ever.
I don’t think any form of intoxication will truly bring you closer to God.