on 07.24.2019

I have ADD, and chronic pain, and a chronic, recurring problem affecting my bladder, interstitial cystitis. When Jesus healed my heart from resentment and hate for someone, He healed me from alcoholism. I never needed to get drunk from then until the present day. I despise taking the adderall for ADD, and the muscle relaxers, which I take half the dose, for the spasms and knots that prevent normal movement. For years I’ve gone back and forth in my mind whether the Lord would consider it sin to use pot for my situation. I’ve just had enough of the pills and all the side effects, they cancel each other out and I’m not any better for the trouble and expense. Half of the 5mg flexerel(?) puts me down for the count. I feel like a dog chasing it’s tail, round and round but getting nowhere. I think if pot is used as medicine, not abused, it’s a better option than the pills. With that settled, my other concern is legality in my state. I have state licenses too important to lose. I have used pot a couple times a few years ago, with good results for pain and my ADD, but was too nervous to continue. I’m glad you are trying to open up a conversation, it’s important to so many people. I also wish Christian people would not be so judgmental about it. It sure doesn’t help the situation.

What Do You Think About Cannabis?